Welcome to the USS Pisces!

The Second Klingon War is in full swing. Hundreds of thousands are dying on each side. It has barely been 50 years since the last one and now the Federation is facing it’s greatest threat again. The Constellation Class USS Pisces and her brave crew fight for the defense of the Federation, and to take revenge for the criminal actions of executing James Kirk and Leonard McCoy.
Come join our crew as we fight to defend the Federation once again!
The Pisces is a proud member of The 16th Fleet

Current Year: 2293
Top Open Positions:
First Officer - Can be combined with a 2nd Bridge position
Intelligence Officer
Chief of Boat - Combined with 2nd position
Chief Helmsman
Chief Navigator
Chief Medical Officer *PENDING*
Federation Forces Detachment CO *PENDING*
Science Officer
Medical Officer
Head Nurse
The USS Pisces is rated 18+ (L2S2V3)
Latest Mission Posts
» Taking the tour - Medical
Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Posted on Friday March 8, 2024 @ 8:42am by Lieutenant Commander Maximo (Max) Vero & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan MD
Sickbay was Max's second to last stop on his walk around. His experience with doctors was never to get in their way or annoy one. You did not wish to be on bad terms with someone who may be required to save your life or stitch you up.
» Corporalis Examen
Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Posted on Saturday February 17, 2024 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Commander River Morgan MD & Lieutenant JG Sakara
The ship was still quiet compared to most within the fleet, likely due to the lack of personnel, many of which were still to arrive for the launch. Because of this the lighting was kept low in many of the hallways, the one leading to sickbay was no different.…
» Senior Staff Briefing
Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Posted on Sunday November 19, 2023 @ 3:04am by Captain Cahal Vellv & Lieutenant Commander Thisbe Bocal & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan MD & Lieutenant JG Sakara & Petty Officer, 1st Class Karri
The Tellarite captain, walked into the conference room. A yeoman had been in and set up the conference room so that they could start right away. Being early and the first one there, he did a quick inspection. They forgot to dust the window seals. I need to talk to…
» Helmsman Ziggy Meeting ExOh Lt. Commander Vero
Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Posted on Saturday October 21, 2023 @ 6:02am by Ensign Zichen Yansakan & Lieutenant Commander Maximo (Max) Vero
With his stuff situated in his room, it was time to look up the ExOh. Ziggy went to the computer terminal at his desk even as he checked the time. It was a early in the afternoon, and as the ship was taking on supplies and crew for getting…
» Taking the tour - Engineering
Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Posted on Friday October 20, 2023 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Thisbe Bocal & Lieutenant Commander Maximo (Max) Vero
Following on in walkaround, the new XO paid a visit to Engineering next. He remembered a brief look at her file while on the transport over. Betaziod. His interaction with Betaziods was limited. He hoped he had no bad thoughts walking in. Taking in the warp core was fascinating.…