The Sim
Uniforms and Ranks
Department Colors
-White: Command

-Yellow Ochre: Helm, Engineering, & Tactical

-Gray: Science, Communications, & Navigation

-Olive Green: Medical

-Green: Security

-Blue: Federation Forces

CPO, SCPO, LTCDR & CDRs have a white stripe through their lapel. This signifies their high rank.

CAPT-FADM & MCPO have white with their designated department color. Signifying their command status.

First Officer has either just white or white with second department color stripe through it, no matter rank.

All personnel of any rank have the option to have the white in their lapel if they went through Command Training.
"In 2293, Chancellor Gorkon was assassinated on his own ship Kronos One, by what seems by Starfleet Officers and the U.S.S. Enterprise-A. After Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy try to save him, the Klingons capture, try, and imprison Kirk and McCoy. Starfleet, knowing that Kirk did not commit the crime, tries to force the Klingons to take back what they claimed and apologize for the wrongful imprisonment of Captain James Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy. The Klingons refuse, and insist they are right, and the Federation needs to pay for the assassination of their Chancellor. The Federation cancels the peace summit on Khitomer. Starfleet launches a full scale attack on Rua Penthe, led by Captain Spock in the Enterprise-A and Captain Sulu of the Excelsior. The Klingons, having detected the attack, throw Kirk and McCoy on the surface, where they freeze to death. The armada bombardes the prison planet, making it uninhabitable. The Dilithium reacts with the photon torpedoes and explodes the entire planet. The Klingon Empire declares war on the Federation, for the attack and destruction of their planet. Ships are moved into position to defend their space, and survive the war, which they barely did 50 years ago."
Our story begins 2 months after the war starts. The Pisces is stationed in a sector on the Federation-Klingon border.