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Sunday November 19, 2023 @ 3:04am

Captain Cahal Vellv

Name Cahal Vellv

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Tellarite
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2”
Weight 255lbs
Hair Color Brown (Graying)
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Cahal stands tall for a Tellarite. He has a genetic mutation that 1 in 5000 Tellarites have, which makes them taller than the normal Tellarite. He is no less bulky than a normal Tellarite. He is a tall, fit, and handsome, in Tellarite standards. He stands roughly 6ft 2in tall, has broad muscular chest and arms. He prefers to keep his hair in an undercut, with a swipe to the left. His eyes are deep brown, and have a kind look to them. He keeps his beard trimmed up neat.

Off duty, he usually wears a tank top and shorts.


Father Frek Vellv
Mother Tella Vellv

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cahal is a fun guy to be with. He likes to hangout with groups of people. He wears his duty uniform to regulation, neat and straight. Off duty he likes to wear sweats and t-shirts or tank tops. He workouts on his off time. He is rarely late for his duty shift. He loves playing Billiards or anything with a pool table. He loves to read while soaking in a mud bath.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Keeps busy with tasks
+ takes orders well
+ Strong headed
+ Physically strong

+/- Stubborn

- He tends to spend along time looking into things
- Has a hard time making decisions.
- Tends to be lazy when woken up suddenly.
Ambitions To teach at the Academy or command a Task Force against the Klingons.
Hobbies & Interests Botany, music, reading Earth science fiction novels, writing, beach volleyball, and medical journals

Personal History Cahal was born on Tellar Prime. When he was of age, he joined Starfleet Academy where he majored in Navigation Sciences. He graduated within the top 5 of his class and as a Lieutenant JG. He joined the USS Bismarck as a Tactical and Navigation Officer. He served there for 3 years. He was then promoted to Lieutenant and Chief Navigation Officer of the USS Elizabeth McCord. After 4 years in that position, he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and became the First Officer and held his role of Chief Navigation Officer. Over the next 6 years he served in that role and was promoted to Commander in that time. 2 Years after that, he was recommended for Command and was given command of the Oberth Class, USS Oppenheimer. When he was promoted to Captain, 2 years later, he had several commendations and was given the opportunity to take command of the brand new Constellation Class, USS Pisces. 4 months after him taking this command, the Second Klingon War started…
Service Record 2374-2378 - Cadet - Navigation Science and Command Officer Schoolr-o1.pngrw-o2.png
2378-2381 - Lieutenant JG ~ USS Bismarck ~ Navigator/Tactical Officer s-o2.png
2381-2385 - Lieutenant ~ USS Elizabeth McCord ~ Chief Navigation Officer s-o3.png
2385-2387 - Lieutenant Commander ~ USS Elizabeth McCord ~ First Officer/Chief Navigation Officer ws-o4.png
2387-2391 - Commander ~ USS Elizabeth McCord ~ First Officer/Chief Navigation Officer ws-o5.png
2391-2393 - Commander ~ USS Oppenheimer ~ Commanding Officer w-o5.png
2393-???? - Captain ~ USS Pisces ~ Commanding Officer w-o6.png