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Saturday October 21, 2023 @ 6:02am

Ensign Zichen Yansakan

Name Zichen Ikras Grar Glehk Yansakan

Position Helmsman

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Boda
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 8”
Weight 78 Kg (171.96 lbs)
Hair Color Silver with Black Streaks
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Ziggy is an Anthropomorphic Rat. While many Boda’s are more Ratlike than Humanoid, his lineage is one of breeding genetic forward fixed Humanoid Characteristics, so Zizzy is more Humanoid than Ratlike.
His body is covered with Grey/Silver fur. His ventral fur (front torso fur) is of a light color. He has a long rat tail that is prehensile. His head hair is Silver with some black/silver highlights. This fur goes to very silky, then none in the groin area, inner hands and palms, and bottoms of feet.
His body type is the mostly typical humanoid body with two arms, two legs, typical skeletal structure housing the important organs within the body. The internal organ structure is similar to Terrans, but with a larger heart, liver, and endocrine organs, leading to longevity of life (150 years plus). However, the skeletal muscle fibers were genetically designed for more agility, less for strength, and thus Boda are very Agile, but not very strong. (Agility is the ability to move and change the direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control. It requires quick reflexes, coordination, balance, speed, and correct response to the changing situation.)
The hands are of typical four fingers with opposing thumb, however, the fingernails are of the harder material of claws, and it depends upon the nature of the lineage line of the Boda for how they style their nails, whether for self defense, or more rounded for being less of a threat. Their feet, while plantigrade, have large gripping toes with claws. Footwear, if worn, typically consists of large shoes with openings for the toes to allow for grasping. The Boda’s do have
For his head shape, he has a pronounced cranial cavity like most sentient races, with a rat type muzzle with whiskers for his nose and mouth, while his ears are more fox like as Boda’s have pointed ears unlike the round ears of earth rats. His eyes are seem typical, however as any Boda, he can see in low light as well as see Ultraviolet Light (Also known as Night Vision). His sense of smell is very keen.
The Boda Race, no matter what lineage, is of an omnivorous nature, tending towards more veggies and dairy and less on meats.
The Boda Race is mammalian sexually dimorphic as are most humanoid races. There is a Male and Female, with post puberty males and female having usually obvious differences. The males are stronger, have more stamina, and can take more 'punishment' to the body, while the females are weaker, a little faster, and are hurt more easily. As per normal Male/Female physiology, this is due to the body and psyche roles for family and producing offspring to continue the race. The males and female have the similar size ranges. However, the females tend to be lighter and a couple of inches shorter with the males being heavier and a couple of inches taller. The typical height range is 127 cm (4’2”) to 193 cm (6’4”). Males weight 31 kg (69 lbs) to 82 kg (181 lbs), females weigh 29 kg (64 lbs) to 76 kg (168 lb


Spouse Not Yet
Children None so far
Father Bidzill Yansakan : Adoptive Race: Eeiauoan
Mother Iara Yansakan: Adoptive Race: Eeiauoan
Brother(s) Older Halian Yansakan : Inlaw Brother
Sister(s) Older Kateri, Older Nicoma, Younger Rayen : Inlaw Sisters
Other Family Keme Illari Rayen Una Sonomaian (Secret Dawn Flower Good-Memory Valley-of-the-Moon) Girlfriend on Bardex III. Distant Relatives on Barony, a Federation Planet refuge for any escaped Orion slaves and others seeking political sanctuary. Tellarite Gafrarc bim Ten, awesome best friend.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ziggy has an outgoing personality with a slightly ironic and satiric humor mixed in. He is social, desiring contact and interaction with others. He grew up with mixed races allowing for gaining knowledge between tomfoolery and hurtful behaviors, as well as having a perchance for humor during conversations to help with first foray opportunities. Thus, he is upbeat, not letting insults or slights bother him, mostly. He enjoys 3d and mathematical puzzles, piloting any craft, and tinkering with remote controlled craft, both piloting as well as upgrading and repair of them for that ‘extra bit of nuance’. On a side note, his nickname actually fits him well. According to people terminology for monikers, ‘Ziggy is a name for people that are amazing. Ziggies also talk to much. Ziggies tend to be abnormally strange. Some Ziggies are really cool though.’
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Ziggy, being from a genetically altered, uplifted race from times long past, has certain traits built in. He has a keen mind for trade and negation, which he has applied to his piloting and hobbies in a good way. He has a high agility, which when coupled with his mind, allows him to react to piloting needs quickly and efficiently. He has a very keen nose and can pick out various scents, giving him an edge for finding others, or noticing something being ‘wrong’ about food, water, another person who he has regular contact with. He is longer lived and his physiology allows him to be more disease and infection resistant. He has learned about his race from his girl friend’s family, who are escaped slave Bodas living on Rigel IV. From them, he learned his ‘Native Rigellian’ language, along with the Universal Trade Language known as ‘Rigellian’.

Boda’s have a weaker skeletal structure when compared to Terrans, besides being less strong when compared for strength to strength. And, even though his lineage has been deliberately bred to fix the positive traits and limit the negative traits, he has to watch out for a known Boda condition known as Bone Stress Syndrome. As long as he keeps his physical activities and conditioning within reason, he can prevent this from happening. His gregarious personality can get him into trouble when pressing to get to know someone, while his quirky humor can be off putting to those who do not understand subtle ironic humor of calling out perceived wrong traits of oneself. He tends to not want to give up, causing him sometimes to go down what is known as ‘a rabbit hole’. However, he will concede this when it is pointed out to him, or he realized that he has spent too much time in doing the same things to the a different result.
Ambitions For Starfleet: Prove of himself to earn promotions, besides get to pilot every type of vehicle on board the starship he is serving on. And, when available, to see if during rendezvous with other ships, to have a chance to pilot them during any exercise that is going on.

For Family: Show his adoptive family they were correct in their assessment of him in being their adoptive son, gain stature with his girlfriends family and pursue dating her to marriage, and have a chance to meet a couple more ladies to join the family. He personally is seeking three wives.

For Other Rigellians: To help other slaves escape and get to safety when given the chance. He had that chance for a good life. He hopes to pay it forward.
Hobbies & Interests RC Vehicles: Designing, building, and tinkering with remote control flying vehicles. Ziggy loves pushing them to the edge of what they can do when flying them, besides studying what they are doing while he is looking through a HUD and applying that to his own piloting ability.

3D Puzzles: Finding interesting puzzles, taking them apart, then putting them together. He may spend several days on a puzzle to find that elusive missing joint or small movement. It is actually relaxing to him.

Sudoku and other Mathematical Puzzles: Solving more and more complex puzzles with needing to find the best fit suites his mind’s bent of the trading of complex goods for a the best deal while yet making it seem the other person got the best deal. It is a quirk of him mind, so he enjoys this

KC Fighting Method: This martial arts is a style of protecting oneself with hunched shoulders, crouching, and protecting the head with arms from harm, yet able to strike out with elbows, knees, head buts, tripping, and such. It is very effective for several combatants about oneself. Ziggy loves it as helps with his agility and fitness, without producing a lot of stress on his skeleton, while building up his muscles to take the hits.

Personal History 2274 – May 5th - Estimated age 4 -> USS Kongo NCC-1710 discovered an Orion Cruiser firing upon a Civilian Cargo Tug while on patrol. The Orion ship fled, but not before downing the tug onto a nearby moon. The Kongo performed rescue operations and found 17 survivors, three tug officers and fourteen slaves being transported to safety bound towards the planet Barony, a known safe haven for Rigellian Slaves. One of those survivors was Zichen Ikras Grar Glehk, a Boda, who was estimated around four years old. They were taken to Barony.

2274 – August 8th – Full medical checkup by Barony Immigrant Doctors. All tests passed as known good readings were from multiple families of various Linage Boda’s living on planet. Inquiries were sent out to check for adoption.

2275 – January 7th - Estimated age 5 – There was no match for Zichen’s lineage on Barony. However, an inquiry was received from an Eeiauoan Couple on Bardex III who applied for adopting Zichen. Bardex III had several Boda families who were similar or close to Zichen’s lineage. Zichen was transported Bardex III to meet with his soon to be new parents, Bidzill and Iara Yansakan.

2275 – May 10th – Zichen passed the medical and psyche testing for immigration. His adoptive parents took custody of him with their children, one eldest girl, son, then girl on May 15th. The family decided to make his birth date be May 15th, the date he was adopted, so they celebrated his 5th birthday with him. As they knew Boda’s had long names, they let Zichen keep his full known name and attached their last name to his. He loved it, along with his siblings, as that created a neat nickname for him, Ziggy, comprised of the first letters of his complete name.

2276 – Growing up with the family was as expected. Schooling went well, with Ziggy usually being within the top 10% for academia. He was very good with soccer, but stayed away from sports requiring strength as he soon found out he was not as strong as others, but had very fast reflexes and reactions. It was at this time he met the Boda Family

2282 – In middle school, a Tellarite friend from elementary school, Gafrarc bim Ten, introduced him to remote control vehicles, besides the usual Tellarite perchance of complaints and insults when meeting someone previously met. Of course, ‘Thick bim Skull’ and ‘Lab Grar Rat’ got into many ‘arguments’ when working on their RC vehicles together. It was during this time he met another Boda Family of similar lineage, the Sonomaian Family. The Father, Rochtan, began teaching him Rigellian language, as well as the Rigellian Trade Language, while he had a chance to play with Boda Children around his age.

2285 – In high school, one of the daughters of the Sonomaian family, Keme Illari Rayen Una Sonomaian, took an interest in Ziggy. She introduced him to several puzzle and mathematics clubs as well as a specialized Martial Arts called KC Fighting Method, and he really dove into them. Ziggy won a couple of region awards for the clubs. Ziggy also joined a ‘Flyers’ club and had the chance to fly various aircraft, from ones based on ancient designs to shuttles, work pods, and small cargo transports. He loved it. It was at this time that Ziggy decided to try to get into Starfleet as he had been rescued by Starfleet. He took several advanced classes to help prepare to qualify for StarFleet Academy.

Next, several events happened very positively for Ziggy. First, near the end of high school, Keme became his girlfriend. Second, he graduated High School in the top 10% of his class. Third, he took the Starfleet Academy Exam, and qualified, being one of five to pass out of the thirty who tried.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
2289 – Ziggy arrived at Starfleet Academy. He was given a full physical, vaccinations verified, and he was cleared to enter Starfleet Academy. During the Academy, he, of course, went for Helmsman position as he loved flying. He also went for courses in Electronics Technology, Computer technology, Personal Weapons Technology, Shield Technology, and Life Support Systems Technology. This all fit in with his love for RC vehicles, besides being of help for if downed with a shuttle craft on a planet.

2293 – Ziggy graduated Starfleet Academy. He was pleased he was in the top 10% of the class once more as that was his goal he set for himself in schooling. Ziggy went on his Cadet Cruise on the USS Juliet NCC-1441, a frigate class for Starfleet. He did well with good marks for his piloting school.

2293 – Assigned to the USS Pisces, a Constellation Class Heavy Cruiser