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Arriving on board USS Pisces - Helmsman

Posted on Thursday October 5, 2023 @ 11:21am by Ensign Zichen Yansakan

848 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Location: USS Pisces Shuttle Bay
Timeline: 2293 - Before Leaving StarDock

Ziggy sighed in his seat. He had really wanted to pilot the shuttle from the Starbase to the StarDock as this shuttle was of a one off from any he had piloted before, but the Pilot had politely declined in so many ways. He looked out into the void of space his window was facing wishing he was piloting this craft. However, that wistfulness was replaced with interest as the Earth's moon came into view. He watched that sight, and then really took interest as the StarDock came into view.

The StarDock was a final fitting area for getting newly constructed or newly renovated space craft ready for their first journey into the Federation, and then onto their mission. He hrmmed out in interest at the sleek outlines of the unusual four warp nacelle craft, the constellation class USS Pisces, framed within that window. He felt pressure of others behind him as the other crewmen bound for this ship crowded about the windows on the starboard side of the shuttle as well. He moved to be over to the right of the window to allow space for others. It was truly a wondrous sight to see a constitution primary hull matched up with a minimal secondary hull attached to quad warp nacelles.

After Ziggy got in his sights, he moved to let others in. He shifted back to wait until the shuttle moved aft to start its approach to the entry hanger. When that happened, the gathering at the windows broke up and shifted back to their seats they sat in when they boarded, allowing Ziggy to go back to his seat. The rest of the trip in was standard as the shuttle jockeyed in to the shuttle bay and landed.

Once landed, those on board grabbed their duty bags, also known as duffel bags, and got ready to disembark. Ziggy grabbed his as well, however, he waited for the 'crush' to die down as the others jockeyed to be first off. He moved forward a bit to say, "Great ride in, thanks for the sightseeing," before joining at the rear of the procession leaving the shuttle.

Ziggy disembarked and looked for the Captain, ExOh, or Ship's Services Division, whoever was there to greet the incoming motley crew for the ship. He found several tables setup with Service Crewmen looking over orders and handing out chits with room assignments and first orders. He only had to wait a few minutes for his turn at a table.

The Petty Officer Second Class, Terran, looked up at him and asked, "Name, rank, assignment please." Ziggy smiled and replied, "Zichen Ikras Grar Glehk Yansakan, Ensign, Helm Officer." PO2 Chevron flipped the book to Maneuvering and Ordinance Personnel and said, "Greetings sir. Your quarters are on deck 5, room 532, Junior Officer's Country. Next, as the ship has not had its Chief Helmsman Officer arrive yet, you are to please report to the Executive Officer Lieutenant Commander Vero for introductions after you get squared away. Any questions Sir?" Ziggy responded with, "None at this time, Petty Officer Chevron. Thank you very much for the information. You have a great day."

Ziggy shouldered his duty pack and headed out of the shuttle bay. He knew there would be a wall chart for where the nearest turbolift would be as the Shuttle Bay floor would be on Deck 10. He hummed under his breath as he threaded his way through others, always mindful of his tail about him as it was rather long. He could not just wrap it about him as he used it for balance, but he could keep it in a close 's' shape near him to help out.

He got into the corridors and found said ship map chart on the wall. He headed off to the turbolift and got on with a couple of other junior officers. He smiled to them as they first headed to deck 5, and then they would go to deck 4 next where some of the command structure and medical officers were located. At deck 5, he stepped off, and then headed towards room 532. Of course, the room was inwards, so a little smaller than outward rooms, but, that was okay. Growing up with siblings meant you were used to close quarters. He unpacked his duty bag, putting his dress whites and duty uniforms away, the couple of civy outfits, and then put up the picture of his girlfriend. He was hoping to make it fiance after he progressed to Lt. j.g. At least, that was his hope. Next to her he put a family portrait. Of course, it was a little incongruous to find a 'rat' among 6 'lynx felines', his Dad, Mom, Older Brother, two Older Sisters, and one Younger Sister.

Ziggy tidied his room in preparation for leaving it to find the ExOh. He never liked to leave an untidy room for the Janitorial staff to find. He knew they were only cursory in their checks of the rooms, but still, he always kept his room tidy for his Mom, and that would not stop here.



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