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New Guard Cat

Posted on Saturday October 14, 2023 @ 7:13pm by Petty Officer, 1st Class Karri & Captain Cahal Vellv

621 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Location: USS Pisces

Karri sighed as she made her way through the Constellation class USS Pisces, duffel bag still around her shoulders. She really didn't waste time getting to where she needed to be. Partly due to her nature, but mostly due to her own confusion. He took another look at her orders and she couldn't help but scratch her head. But rather than figure it out, shed get it straight from her new boss. She pressed the chime on her new CO's door.

Sitting in his office just off the bridge of the Constellation Class starship. The Tellarite scanned reports of the war. Casualty lists, victories, losses, and new strategies. The Pisces was taking on some new crew, so she was currently in Spacedock orbiting Earth. The chime rang and the Tellarite looked up, "Enter." He said glancing up briefly from the computer.

"Petty Officer, First Class Karri reporting for duty, Captain " Karri said, entering and coming to attention

The Tellarite looked at the Caitian female and stared for a second, "At ease Petty Officer. Starfleet has assigned you to my ship. Are you sure you are up to the task? It's a big ship, and you will have a lot to do. Keeping the ship safe, both inside and out?" The Captain didn't introduce himself, he didn't stand, he was just direct.

Assuming the captain wanted a frank answer Karri spoke. "Yes sir! She said. Although I'm only a PO1, and I'm barely that" she began. "I like to think I have a good head on my shoulders. After all I helped keep my previous home from falling apart. If you don't mind a little know how that comes from living on a freighter your whole life, I'll make sure that this ship stays intact"

The Tellarite nodded at the Caitian. He glanced at the Computer as a message came through. Turning his gaze back to the Caitian female, "From what I see, you won't be a PO1 for long. If Starfleet trusts you enough to be a Department head as such a low rank, then I would have too. My ship is a little larger than a freighter, make sure that you know where all the hiding spots are, and how to fire the ships phasers."

"You can count on that, Captain " Karri replied.

"I am going to fill you in our our mission." The Captain said standing an moving to the window looking over the starboard side of the hull. "The Klingons have released a Bird-of-Prey that can fire when cloaked. Starfleet needs us to find it, neutralize it and bring it back. Hopefully in one piece." Picking up one of the PADDs on his desk, he hands it to the Caitian, "Here are the schematics. Find the best place to hit it, without completely obliterating it." Pausing he continued, "Also... find a TO completely obliterate it. I want options."

Karri grinned. "Options are good. I can see why the brass want it intact. But if we destroy it, the Klings might just stop at that one" the caitian said. "I'll comb over this. It's got to have a weakness, and this cat will find it"

"That's what I like to hear. Do you have anything else for me?" The Tellarite Captain asked.

Karri thought for a second. "Not right yet, sir. I'd like to get the lay of the land first. If that's alright"

"Then I will leave you to it." Cahal said, "I am sure you have a lot to do."

"Thank you sir," Karri replied.

"Dismissed." The Captain said to the Caitian and he nodded and turned back on his computer console to finish reading the latest report.

"Aye sir." Karri said as she turned and left


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