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Transfering of Duty Stations

Posted on Thursday September 28, 2023 @ 12:03pm by Ensign Zichen Yansakan

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Location: Transfer Officers Quarters, Lt. and below, Starbase, Earth’s Orbit, before Transfer to USS Pisces
Timeline: 2293 - Before Leaving StarDock

The young Starfleet Ensign looked at himself in the mirror. He had just finished dressing into his starfleet Uniform. While the yellow long sleeve shirt with its single braid around each sleeve denoting ensign was standard, the rather form fitting black trousers had a special opening made into them for his rather long and prehensile tail. Also, his boots were not standard as well. His boots had openings for his long toes, and those toes had claws instead of toenails. His toes could grip like his hands, and so he liked having them free for such purposes.

Staring back at him in the mirror was an elongated nose, rodent like, with whiskers, yet that nose moved up into a cranium showing enlarged brain, which usually denoted an intelligent species. There was hair upon the head comprised of silver hair with black highlights down to mid shoulder length, ears that were rodentia, yet also pointed, a trademark of the Boda, and a pair of bright green eyes.

His tail performed one more stroke with his hairbrush before setting it down. He remarked to himself, “There, I think I am all phresentabhle. Err, watch the Boda soft lisp, there, Ziggy, you know you can do it.” Ziggy smiled to himself as he picked up his orders once more. He could not believe his good fortune for his assignment.

He read it to himself again, of course, glossing over the gobbledygook of standard orders. ‘Ensign Zichen Ikras Grar Glehk Yansakan, after review of your Cadet’s assignment to the USS Juliet, your next assignment will be to the USS Pisces. The ship is located in Spacedock at Earth, Sol III. Once you have finished your Cadet Cruise by bringing the USS Juliet in for resupply at Earth, you will have three days shore leave, and then report to the USS Pisces when she is ready for boarding.’

Of course, the first thing Ziggy did when he got to Earth was to look up what kind of ship the USS Pisces was and why she was in Space Dock. Imagine to his surprise that she was one new Constellation Class Medium Cruiser-Explorer vessels. She was the new counterpart to the Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser, and she definitely had more speed and was bigger than the Frigate he was on. The reason for her being in Stardock, she was a new ship and would be leaving on her first voyage.

He brought out his small Federation Starship Identification Guide. He looked at the page for the Mercury Class Frigate outline as there was a cutout for the USS Juliet NCC-1441 with a signature by the Chief Helmsman showing he had piloted her. However, there was no page as of yet for the Constellation Class, so he would have to add that. Still, after he flew her, he would get a witness signature to show he did. And, that was part of his goal, to fly as many different Federation Starships as he could and get them into his ‘Federation Starship Passport Book’. It would be a gift to whichever of his children who decided that flying was their passion.

He tucked his book away, then finished putting his toiletries into their kit and put them into the top of his duffel bag. Taking one more look in the mirror, he exited his temporary quarters on the Starbase. Next stop, and his new home for at least the next tour, the USS Picses.

End of Post


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