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In The Shadows Of Selaya

Posted on Friday September 22, 2023 @ 11:15pm by Lieutenant JG Sakara & Lieutenant Commander Maximo (Max) Vero

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 1: Master of Illusion
Location: T'Kharak Temple - Vulcan's Forge


The heat was rising in the forge as the slight young Starfleet Officer waited at the entrance to T'Kharak Sanctuary, deep in the shadows of Mount Selaya, it offering only a tiny amount of relief from the heat of 40 Eridani, the local sun of the Vulcan star system. The breeze gave no real relief either as it brought with it the sands of the forge on scorching winds. The breeze gently fluttered her white shawl and light robes of an almost transparent fabric.

She had left the temple as swiftly as possible without appearing as if she was fleeing, even if the emotions hidden beneath her proven shallow Vulcan exterior had told her to abandon all reason and just to run. The only person to notice was her Grandmother, an aged and worldly wise Human who was nothing if not direct and blunt. She had caught Sakara's arm and quietly but firmly told her to wait outside for her, no doubt wanting to talk to her about the second failed attempt to attain Kolinahr that the young Vulcan had just disappointed her family with.

She would not allow it to be known but deep within herself she needed to talk to someone, anyone who could understand her position right now. That someone, as always, was the one person she had the least in common with but the most to learn.
She waited, standing rigidly by one of the ancient columns of the Sanctuary engraved with the tale of Surak.

"Here child. Take some water," she handed her a flask. One memory that never changed of her, she carried a flask everywhere. Being human she was not as designed for this extreme heat as the rest of the family.

"This way," she led her to possibly the only shaded area in the vicinity. Another quirk she had. If there was shade anywhere she could find it. "Now I will be blunt."

"Indeed" Sakara flatly intoned, an eyebrow raised. "If the years have taught me anything it is that you are Vulcan in your honesty Grandmother",

The old women chuckled slightly. "At my age I am allowed to be. So hear me. Perhaps your not supposed to quell your emotions just yet. Or ever. I know that all of them think life is easier to only let them out once every few years in a fit of passion but you, you have too much of me in you. I have watched you, your entire life and this I know. You are different from every other member of the family. The rest are your grandfather, god bless his soul through and through."

Sakara controlled the urge to blush, the discussions of the Pon Farr were not something one discussed in public spaces and even then it would only be between the involved parties. It was seen as improper. Yet again another idiosyncrasy of her mothers mother. To Sakara's relief no one was within earshot at the time so she allowed it to slide without comment.

"The pursuit of logic is in itself the reward. Surak brought order to chaos. I seek only that same inner calm".

"Oh pish," she said brazenly. "Logic. I've been surrounded by logic trying to navigate Vulcan logic for years. Its not the end all of things and believe me its not solely responsible for "inner calm". If I ever got to meet that Surak I'd have a few choice words for him I tell you,"

It would be a battle for the ages, a clash of the titans the Humans would have called it. Surak, the single most prolific figure in Vulcan history followed by T'Pau and Sarek going toe to toe with a veritable force of nature who was hell bend on defying logical thought at all cost.

"Logic is the Vulcan way. Perhaps you would be more comfortable if you returned to Earth?"

"Believe me I am considering it. My husband is gone and you are all grown and somewhat settled now. You don't need me anymore." She didn't add that they had their precious "logic" but certainly thought it.

"Perhaps it is time, certainly to get away from the heat and dust of this place," she said simply. "Its not good on an old humans joints. They did reach out to me and suggest I might like to take on an ambassador capacity. Can you imagine. What logic suggested that to the high council I wonder?"

"Indeed" Sakara repeated knowing already that the letter of recommendation had come from her father, in his mind it was the most logical way of ensuring her Grandmother would be most comfortable in her twilight years. She also knew that if her Grandmother was made aware of that she would view it as Sakal's 'attempt to get rid of her'

"I could expand my transport ships accommodation for two travellers if that is your wish?" Sakara asked gently, the idea of having company on the trip from Vulcan to Earth would be most agreeable.

"Well that would be a logical idea," she raised her right eyebrow almost perfectly like a Vulcan and grinned." Perhaps we can find you a nice man on the trip. Unless you have bonded with someone I am unaware of."

'I can surmise this is a Human fascination' Sakara thought given just how frequent her Grandmothers enquiries seemed to come, and in different forms from veiled probing to direct to the point questions. Sakara had yet to choose a mate, her parents having forgone the customary bonding when she was eleven years old. Instead they had deemed their daughter fit to make her own, calculated, educated and logical selection when she felt the time was appropriate. Now was not that time.

"I will tend to that matter when the matter needs addressing",

"Spoilsport," her grandmother stated. "Well it won't stop me from trying of course.

What are your plans once we get to Earth. Do you have a new commission?" she asked.

"I do. The USS Pieces is in need of a Communications Officer. I ship out once we reach Mars in two days. I am still unaware of the mission specifics but after the assassination at Khitomer the prospect of it being exploration are statistically low".
She said regretfully, or it would have been if not for her being Vulcan.

She nodded. "Yes you need to ensure you take every precaution. Especially against those Klingon bastards. I do not wish you to die before I get to dance at your wedding child," she told her in her typical colourful and passionate human way.

"For a Human, your tenacity on a single matter is unwavering Grandmother. It is fascinating".
Sakara cocked an eyebrow in her relatives direction. She knew the day would come when she would be bonded or mated in good time. The Pon Farr gripped each Vulcan once every seven years, she had only recently gone through her first and with careful meditation she had managed to stave off the blood madness that had been nipping at her. Next time she may not be so lucky. It would be logical to at least begin to consider candidates but it was very much a private matter, one she would consider in her own company.

The sun, 40 Eridani, had continued on its ascent across the sky, it would soon be hitting its peak and the warmest hours of the Vulcan day which even most Vulcans avoided where possible.
"We should return to Shi’Kahr before the heat overwhelms you!"



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